The Power of Words
The childhood phrase “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” may have been coined by someone well intentioned; however, experience proves that this phrase is simply not accurate.
Words have the power to encourage, to mold, to shape, and to transform. They also have the power to discourage, to hurt, to wound, and to injure.
The Bible tells us that “life and death are in the power of the tongue”. You see, we have been created in the image and likeness of God who “spoke” creation into existence. We also have the ability to positively or negatively impact our lives and the lives of others by words we speak.
Most understand how a child who is constantly told bad things about him or herself can be negatively impacted by these statements. Many may not understand how as adults, we can positively or negatively impact our futures
by words we speak.
For instance, if we were to always speak “Good things never happen for me”, we may very well help speak that reality into existence by the supernatural power behind these words and by the way these words affect our
thought patterns and consequently our behavior.
Conversely, if we constantly declare that as a follower of Christ, “I am blessed of the Lord”, we might also speak this reality into existence.
By emphasizing the power of words, I am not diminishing the importance of the right action. The right speech and appropriate action often go hand in hand.
I am noting however that words are powerful, that we should be intentional about speaking positively about ourselves and others. In doing so, we help promote the best for ourselves and those around us.
Words have the power to encourage, to mold, to shape, and to transform. They also have the power to discourage, to hurt, to wound, and to injure.
The Bible tells us that “life and death are in the power of the tongue”. You see, we have been created in the image and likeness of God who “spoke” creation into existence. We also have the ability to positively or negatively impact our lives and the lives of others by words we speak.
Most understand how a child who is constantly told bad things about him or herself can be negatively impacted by these statements. Many may not understand how as adults, we can positively or negatively impact our futures
by words we speak.
For instance, if we were to always speak “Good things never happen for me”, we may very well help speak that reality into existence by the supernatural power behind these words and by the way these words affect our
thought patterns and consequently our behavior.
Conversely, if we constantly declare that as a follower of Christ, “I am blessed of the Lord”, we might also speak this reality into existence.
By emphasizing the power of words, I am not diminishing the importance of the right action. The right speech and appropriate action often go hand in hand.
I am noting however that words are powerful, that we should be intentional about speaking positively about ourselves and others. In doing so, we help promote the best for ourselves and those around us.