Forgiveness: Healing the Heart
Few things hurt as much as emotional wounds inflicted by family and friends. As imperfect people however, it’s only a matter of time before someone says or does something that brings hurt (big or small) to another’s life.
To experience one’s best life however free from bitterness of heart and soul, we must forgive others for sins committed against us.
Why must we forgive?
God commands that we forgive.
He forgives all who trust in Him and ask Him for forgiveness.
He tells us that He will not forgive us if we do not forgive others.
I John 1:8-10; Matt 6:14,15
But what if it’s hard to forgive?
Ask for God’s help.
Think about all your personal shortcomings and how God forgives you.
Matt 18:21-35
What if someone continues to hurt me?
Pray or them.
Talk to them. They may not realize it.
Get other Christians involved.
Matt 18:15-17
How many times should I forgive?
As many times as the other person asks and is truly sorry.
God forgives us every time we ask and make a real effort not to repeat our sin.
Matt 18:21,22
Note: Each topic of discussion is accompanied by associated scripture
references. Every visitor is encouraged to verify the accuracy of the
information shared through his/her personal bible-based research and discussion
with local ministry leaders, parents, and/or trusted advisors.
To experience one’s best life however free from bitterness of heart and soul, we must forgive others for sins committed against us.
Why must we forgive?
God commands that we forgive.
He forgives all who trust in Him and ask Him for forgiveness.
He tells us that He will not forgive us if we do not forgive others.
I John 1:8-10; Matt 6:14,15
But what if it’s hard to forgive?
Ask for God’s help.
Think about all your personal shortcomings and how God forgives you.
Matt 18:21-35
What if someone continues to hurt me?
Pray or them.
Talk to them. They may not realize it.
Get other Christians involved.
Matt 18:15-17
How many times should I forgive?
As many times as the other person asks and is truly sorry.
God forgives us every time we ask and make a real effort not to repeat our sin.
Matt 18:21,22
Note: Each topic of discussion is accompanied by associated scripture
references. Every visitor is encouraged to verify the accuracy of the
information shared through his/her personal bible-based research and discussion
with local ministry leaders, parents, and/or trusted advisors.