Young adulthood can be a difficult stage of life. It can often be a period where people, in a sense, find themselves starting over again.
In ways similar to the freshmen years of high school or college, you may find yourselves at the bottom of the social ladder professionally. You may also find yourselves dealing with the new found responsibilities of rent/mortgage, utilities, marriage, and a variety of increased personal responsibilities.
It’s important to note that the paths of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. We may not fully understand the present stage of our lives, but all things work together for the good of those who are called by God.
So be encouraged if you face challenges such as not earning as much as you anticipated after college or if you are not presently in the career field you imagined.
Remember that you are still very young, and the Bible tells us to despise not small beginnings.
Perhaps your present path is uniquely preparing you for future blessings.
Finally, don’t get caught in the trap of comparing yourself with others. We all have our own paths and you can rarely, if ever, truly understand what’s taking place in another person’s life.
John 16:33 Ecclesiastes 3:1 Psalm 37:23 Zechariah 4:10 Exodus 20:17 Matthew 6:33